Fire Sense 60450 HotSpot Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill Review
Fire Sense 60450 HotSpot Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill Feature
Fire Sense 60450 HotSpot Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill Overview
Fire Sense 60450 Discover what the Japanese have recognized for centuries as the best grill construction--clay. The Hotspot Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill is a genuine Japanese table BBQ. Handmade using clay, the Yakatori Grill rates heat, producing a juicier and more tenderness meal. Features: -Handmade clay construction. -Adjustable ventilation. -Large cooking surface. -Overall Dimensions: 7.09" H x 10.24" W x 17.73" D.
Fire Sense 60450 HotSpot Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill Specifications

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 24, 2009 20:13:03
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